Keep Your Cat’s Best Interests In Mind By Utilizing These Tips |
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Keep Your Cat’s Best Interests In Mind By Utilizing These Tips

Cats are extremely clean animals that immediately want to remove any filth that they encounter during their day. Naturally, cats will lick themselves and wipe the dirt away with their tiny paws. However, you can do a much more efficient job with the right shampoos and moisturizers inside your own bathroom.

If you have multiple cats, save money on cat dishes by checking your local dollar store for salsa dishes. You can usually get a package of three for a dollar. These are sturdy and come in pretty colors. They look nice in your kitchen, and they are just the right size for cat food.

If your cat is misbehaving, you can influence its behavior in a safe and humane way by using water. Fill a small squirt gun or a spray water bottle with plain water. Give your cat a few light squirts of water when you catch it misbehaving and it will soon learn to stop doing the unwanted behavior.

Give your new cat some space. Moving to a new home can be stressful on a cat, especially one who is no longer a kitten. To help them adjust, give them a quiet place that they can call their own, such as a spare bathroom or laundry room. This gives them a safe space they can retreat to until they have become comfortable with exploring the whole house. Depending on the cat, this process may take a few days up to a month or more.

A great toy for your cat is a laser pointer. Cats love to chase the laser around and try to catch it. This will help you give your cat some exercise, while your cat is having fun at the same time. It will also help to fine-tune their hunting skills.

Feed your cats proper food. Remember that cats must eat meat. Only give your cats cat food to eat. Do not feed them or let them eat dog food. Dogs and cats have different nutritional needs and some of the ingredients in dog food could harm your cat. Feeding your cat dog food for food could also lead to malnourishment, among other issues.

If your cat tends to be antisocial and anxious with company, try giving it a catnip toy a few hours before company arrives. Many cats become very mellow when exposed to catnip. Even if your cat does not want to socialize after catnip exposure, it will probably be happier and less anxious.

Be sure you show your cat lots of love. They are very loving animals and deserve affection back. Cats need social time with the family just like people do so that they know that they are valued. They also like feeling important and a big member of the family.

Do not use medicine meant for a dog on a cat. This is especially important for topical medicines. Cats do their own cleaning, and if a dog medicine is used on a cat, your pet can ingest it. There are some medicines that work for both cats and dogs, but only use them if the vet says it is okay.

Who says only dogs can do tricks? Cats are very intelligent and have the ability to learn as well, especially as young kittens. Some people train their cats to play fetch just like dogs do. There are even people who have successfully trained their cat to use a regular toilet, instead of a litter box.

There’s always a chance that you cat can slip outside your home and become lost. This can be prevented with a breakaway collar. The collar includes an ID, featuring your name, phone number, and address. If the cat is found, anyone can easily contact you and return the cat to you thanks to the information on the collar.

Make canned food the mainstay of your cat’s diet. Dry food is usually cheaper, but canned food boasts a number of benefits. Your cat will get more water and more vitamins and protein. As your cat ages, canned food is more easily chewed. Can food is generally better, but consult your vet first before feeding it to your cat.

Understand your cat’s sounds. Meowing is a form of communication, often for food or to get your attention. There are other sounds, though. Hissing usually indicates fear or anger, so you should stay away. Cats also make certain sounds when they see prey. This often sounds like a chirp. Purring may indicate contentment, but sometimes it means nervousness.

Help your cat live a longer life by keeping them healthy and keeping them current with check-ups and vaccinations. Just like with having kids, young cats need to be checked on to see if they’re doing okay from time to time. It also needs its shots so that you can avoid problems later on down the road. Your kitty is a member of your family, so you need to treat him like one.

If your cat is not getting trained to use the litter box as fast as you would like, there are sprays available that can make things a bit easier. These sprays have a scent that will attract your cat to the box, which means they will be more likely to go there when they need to use the bathroom.

While there is nothing wrong with using clumping cat litter for older felines, you should stick with sandy litter when dealing with kittens. The clumping litters are usually treated with all types of chemicals that may nto be safe for smaller cats. Once they are older, you should be able to make the switch with no issue.

Most cats do not like water at all and will go crazy if their owner tries placing them in a bath. This is why you have to get the cat accustom to water and teach them that it’s not a bad thing. Once your cat gets a look at its clean, shampooed fur, it’ll never be afraid of water again!

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